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Incident Rules

You can create rules to monitor selected components and automatically create incidents based on certain parameters.

Creating an Incident Rule

  • Go to the "Rules" page under "Settings" menu.
  • Create a new rule and save it.


    - unhealthy
    - warning
    - error
  - name: HelmReleases
  - name: Flux


By default, the rules scan the components every 5 minutes but it's configurable using the --rules-period flag.

Incident Rule Spec

Field Description Schema Required
name Name of the rule string true
components List of components to monitor ComponentSelector false
template The template for the auto created incident IncidentTemplate false
filter Filter to decide whether an incident should be created or not Filter false
breakOnMatch Stop processing other incident rules, when matched boolean false
hoursOfOperation Hours of operation []HoursOfOperation false

Component Selector

Field Description Schema Required
name Name of the component string false
namespace Namespace of the component string false
selector Selector of the component string false
labels Labels of the component map[string]string false
types Types of the component []string false

Incident Template

Field Description Schema Required
id Incident ID uuid false
title Incident title string false
description Incident description string false
type Incident type string false
status Incident status string false
severity Incident severity string false
createdAt Incident created time time false
updatedAt Incident updated time time false
acknowledged Incident acknowledged time time false
resolved Incident resolved time time false
closed Incident closed time time false
createdBy Incident created by uuid false
commanderID Incident commander ID uuid false
communicatorID Incident communicator ID uuid false


Field Description Schema Required
status Status of the component string true

Hours of Operation

Field Description Schema Required
start Start time string true
end End time string true